"We want to empower families & deliver tangible results for our community. Lack of resources & interconnectivity has impacted the ability to bring forth ground-breaking innovation for far too long."
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation
"We want to empower families & deliver tangible results for our community. Lack of resources & interconnectivity has impacted the ability to bring forth ground-breaking innovation for far too long."
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation
Trying to find a way to give back?
Supporting our cause for special needs, like Autism, is a start. All proceeds are tax deductible & they help to support our organization's mission & goals.
These are some of our goals:
1. To help innovate technology to improve the lives of our special needs loved ones by educating on how the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process can support this and enhance the classroom setting.
2. To create programs of inclusion that encourage social expression, skill-building, and growth opportunities.
3. To provide a safe space for inclusion that encourages participants to be directly involved with improving the quality of life for themselves and for others.
4. To create an array of programs such as those that bridge gaps in public safety, community groups that encourage social development, self-expression, fun, life skills, and employment opportunities --the possibilities are limitless.
5. We want to empower families and deliver tangible results for our community by creating innovative opportunities that foster acceptance, love, and accommodations with the cooperation of others.
6. We want to create the right circumstances for others to thrive in.
We need help in the form of donations and volunteers to make this possible. We can’t succeed without them. We want to encourage our community, give them hope, and give them options that they may not have otherwise had.
"We aim to bridge the gaps and bring cohesion into the community through advocacy efforts, inclusion programs & strategic partnerships."
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation
"We aim to bridge the gaps and bring cohesion into the community through advocacy efforts, inclusion programs & strategic partnerships."
- The Spectrum Tech Foundation